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“To do the things at the right time, at the right place, for the right reason, in the right way; to do some things supremely well; to do everything well enough; and to be with whoever is there, right now that is what it means to live your life wide open.”
― Emily Post
Our Services




Aneris specializes in helping you manage your life by giving you back the most precious gift-TIME. We believe that memories happen every single day and that's why you should be present in those moments... not doing laundry. 


We work with you throughout the entire process to understand your needs and coordinate all those pesky tasks that you just can't quite get to. Aneris vets every Vendor that offers their personal services so you never have to wonder if you made the right choice. We want all of our clients to feel like a fairy godmother swooped down with a magical wand to grant them a life of Happily Ever After...










About Us




Are you not the most organized or the most efficient when it comes to managing a household or life? Aneris is the Greek goddess for order and at Aneris Planners Concierge we are here to help. We know that living life to it's fullest takes time that not everyone has. Let us help you with life's mundane or time consuming tasks. Whether it's meal planning, laundry, finding the right gift, selecting the perfect nanny, or simply getting the groceries & dry cleaning-We have you covered! 







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